Release – March 16, 2016
Source: DHR
BEVERLY HILLS, CA – Plans for Dan Holtz to compete full-time in the SPEARS Southwest Tour Series in 2016 have been put on hold due to the need for immediate reconstructive knee surgery.
Holtz, of Pacific Palisades, California began his return to racing last season after purchasing the car that Jim Pettit drove to the 2013 SPEARS Southwest Tour Series championship. Holtz made two starts last season, and started 2016 at the Winter Showdown at Kern County Raceway, in Bakersfield.
“We’re so disappointed that we’re going to have to sit out for the next few months while I rehab my knee,” said Holtz. “I thought I could postpone the surgery until November, but the doctors told me ‘no way’, so we’re going in at the first available opportunity.”
Holtz, who has worked with crew chief Duane Sharp and the rest of the team that had led Pettit to three SPEARS Southwest Tour Series championships, was very pleased with how things have gone so far with his return to racing.
“We had a great run at the end of the year in Vegas, and we were really strong at the Winter Showdown.” Holtz stated. “Duane and all the guys worked hard and gave me a great car at the Showdown. We ran as high as second, had a misstep on pit lane which got us behind, but the car was so good that we rallied back to the front.”
Holtz hopes to return to competition as soon as the doctors give him the green light.
“We hope to be back by the second Irwindale race in June. I’ve had the best time being back in the car and racing with the Tour. It’s going to be a long few months for me, as I can’t wait to get back in the car. There’s nothing better than being at the race track and competing at this level.” Holtz concluded.
Holtz, a former Mesa Marin Raceway Super Late Model champion, and winner in the former NASCAR Southwest Tour Series, is supported by Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center and Swift Springs.